Termination of maintenance payments

The National Insurance Institute will terminate your maintenance payments if one of the cases detailed below occur.

Important! If the payment of maintenance benefits is discontinued for those reasons, one may check the possibility to receive alimony through the Enforcement and Collection Authority.

  1. The National Insurance Institute has received a court judgment that repeals the maintenance payments.
  2. The children have been legally removed from your legal custody.
  3. In certain instances in which the children study in a framework outside the home (a dorm), entitlement to maintenance will be examined by the claims officer.
  4. Your income from employment or from an wage-replacing benefit exceeds a certain amount specified in the regulations.
  5. Your income not from work exceeds the amount specified in the regulations.
  6. You have initiated collection proceedings against the debtor to execute the judgment (unless you instituted collection proceedings to collect the differentials).
  7. You received payments directly from the debtor, at least in the amount of the payment remitted to you by the National Insurance Institute.
  8. You did not reply to the declaration sent to you by the National Insurance Institute for updating information.
  9. You demand the termination of payment, for any reason whatsoever.
  10. You ceased to be a resident of Israel.
  11. You are living with the debtor.
  12. You have travelled abroad more than 3 times during that year, or stayed abroad for more than 72 days during that year. Please note, that a travel for medical purpose is not taken into account.

In case of discontinuation of payment of maintenance benefits for the above reasons, one may check the possibility to receive alimony through the Enforcement and Collection Authority.